[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Adorable by Fritz Boynton” amount=”2500.00″ no_shipping=”2″ quantity=”1″ return=”https://grapefruitmoongallery.com/thank-you-for-your-order” cancel_return=”https://grapefruitmoongallery.com/your-order-was-not-processed” button_image=”https://grapefruitmoongallery.com/wp-content/buy-now.png” target=”blank”]

This breezy pin-up calendar illustration by Fitz William Boynton depicts a sassy redheaded flapper girl with bobbed red hair enjoying a day at the beach with Scottie dog in tow. A vintage salesman sample of the calendar image is included in the sale – image was titled “Adorable”. As long time pin-up collectors and dealers, we have sold numerous calendars and lithographs by Boynton, but this is the first time we have had the opportunity to offer an original pastel by the artist. Signed middle right “Fitz William Boynton,” and still housed in the original art deco aesthetic stepped silver wood frame, properly lined under glass.