This provocative, subversive interior illustration by Bruce Minney for Male Annual #8, 1970 illustrates the interior story “I Fought A Desert Bullwhip Duel For A Fortune In Gems.” The S&M and fetish themes are foregrounded in the image as Minney shows Yank Pat Duncan armed with only the whip of his savagely murdered partner getting frontier justice in lurid action packed adventure magazine style. The caption reads “like locust the crazed natives kept coming at him. But each time his whip cracked another went down” and it almost seems as though the implausible story was merely an excuse to showcase a rugged hero brandishing a bullwhip and a busty imperiled blonde.

Those of you familiar with the television series American Pickers may remember an episode last season with a couple who came across a collection of art from the estate of Bruce Minney; we had the chance to acquire this, and a number of other pieces by Minney directly from them.